Creative Cooking for PKU Families Event

I just read this blog post from “Me, You and PKU” – so excited about her upcoming blog post about Jackfruits. Have you heard of this fruit before? Have you tried it?

Katie xxx

Me, You and PKU

This Saturday I went to an awesome event hosted by my PKU clinic at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, sponsored by BioMarin Pharmeceutical Inc.

It was held in a cooking studio called AndyFood. There were a couple presentations followed by a cooking workshop by Chef Andy Broder. I learned some interesting things, got inspired about cooking and met a bunch of awesome people!

IMG_3125Me and baby! I could not have made it through this event without the help of various wonderful dietitians that held and distracted an over-tired baby girl while I mingled and cooked.



One of my favorite parts was hearing from Christine Brown, the Executive Director of the National PKU Alliance. She got us up to date on the latest goings on in research, education, support and advocacy. So much good stuff! One piece of news I found particularly interesting is that soon they will be launching a…

View original post 276 more words

Pregnancy Preparation

Hello 🙂

As you might have read before, I started with a strict diet in order to plan a pregnancy soon. My last blood level was 9,4mg / dl – that was two weeks ago and I have been dieting since 15th August. So I think it’s a good progress and I guess the blood levels which I took last Saturday will be even better – at least I really hope so.

My current daily intake is 350 Phe / day and I am using the App of the company Mevalia. It’s a great app and very handy, plus I can note everything, I rarely forget my mobile – it was more difficult when using a paper notebook for the daily journal. I’m not yet counting calories, the app cannot count them (I wrote to Mevalia and suggest to add this function..) but I guess I have to start counting real soon.

Is someone of you also preparing pregnancy or is already pregnant?


Autumn is finally here…

20120901_120707Hey 🙂

well, I cannot believe it, after this crappy summer (at least it was such a one over here) it’s already autumn, my favourite season of the year. I simply love snuggling on the couch with a hot cup of tea and candles and having friends over and watching some nice films.

And last, but not least, it’s also the time of some delicious veggies – pumkins (I loooove loooove loooove those!!!), chestnuts, kale… I will report you of some new recipes which I will try out soon.

What is your favourite autumn meal??? I want to knooooow 🙂

Have a wonderful week.

Katie xxx

PS: I do have a new email address for this blog – please email comments and feedback to
Looking forward to your emails! ❤

French Crêpes – I love them :)

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re having a great weekend. A while ago, I got to know that the German company MetaX ( has a new crêpes mixture… When I first tried it, it didn’t work out quite as well as I had expected. But that was due to the fact that I used a pan to make those crêpes. Everyone who has already seen or tried French crêpes knows, that they are made on a special heated plate. So I did some research and found a tiny little crêpes maker on the internet, which also was cheap and ordered it.


And what can I say? I had a wonderful breakfast today, for only 27mg Phe in total – and it was so delicious. I sprinkled some sugar-cinnamon on top of them. YUMMY.

Have you ever tried crêpes? I’m looking forward to experimenting a little with different toppings soon, I will let you know 🙂

Have a great Sunday! crepes

Katie xxx

PS: I would love if you share your thoughts and comments below or on Facebook – PKU Treasurechest.

Spring is coming… And a stricter diet too, hopefully.

Hello everyone,
first of all I must apologize for not writing for such a long period of time. Since the last blog entry a lot of things have changed. I started at a new job (which I absolutely LOVE… it’s great to go to work and love what you do, hadn’t been there the last few years..). And I’m getting married in May. So it’s going to be another 10 exciting months… We also booked our honeymoon and I’m so excited.
But… let’s come to the not so well functioning part: my low protein diet. I just realized today that in a week from now I will have my yearly appointment at the hospital. Time to face it: I haven’t sent in as many blood cards as I should have, AND, what is even worse, I haven’t kept the diet as good as I should have… I regularly take the formula (tablets at present, I really get along very well with taking them) but I use to eat noodles, bread, egg etc. (I also eat low protein products, it depends on my mood / my craving).  Plus I don’t have an overview of the daily intake. I don’t feel good with this. I want to change it. But it’s hard, you might know it. Today, I started off with writing down everything I’ve been eating so far and I ended up with 281mg Phe. It’s around midday now.
I just want to get involved more in this blogging project again because I feel that it could help me to get back on track again. I will let you know about my progress and how I get along within the next few days. Hopefully my motivation doesn’t vapor, but constantly grows stronger… I would appreciate your feedback, tips or motivation comments / e-mails. Write me, what’s going on in your (PKU-)life… I look forward to hearing from you…
Katie xxx

I lost track – somehow…

Good Morning everyone…

I’m sad to say that I somehow lost track of PKU diet – again. I’m very frustrated… but full of good intentions. There will be  a change of job by the beginning of October, so I want to start off by tomorrow again, to be in best shape for the new start.

I want to start the traditional way. Writing down and weighting every little bit I’m going to eat. I hope I can make it. I have like 1.000.000 tries behind me. It’s not, that I don’t know what I am doing this for or why. BUT I FIND IT SO HARD AT THE MOMENT. Have you been there? I’ve started the past week twice (!!!) and lost track somewhere during the day because either a colleague brought some cake (never underestimate the power of – bad- thoughts during work ;o) or in the evening when I was to lazy to cook…

Yesterday we went to a wedding (by the way, it was a wonderful day – just want my wedding to be like this…), and our friends did a great effort with organising special food. I had a salad with mushrooms for starter, a pumpkin soup, then I got a rice risotto with mushrooms and a sorbet as dessert. Wow. It really was delicious. I’m always a little torn between feeling like a cheater (because I actually DO eat normal things from time to time at present) and asking for special low protein menue on the other hand. Have you ever felt like this?

Pleeeeeease send me some good thoughts or motivation. I really want to go back to diet, get better levels, but I need to get into this whole strict diet thing deeper again. It’s always everything about making it begin, about the first steps, once I’m into it, it’s much easier, since then I’m proud, I got everything under control, so I won’t spoil my level easily and thoughtlessly.

So in need for your help, so much mess,


Katie xxx


Poll – which social media sites do you use most frequently?

Hey everyone,

once again I need your quick feedback. As some of you might know, you also can reach PKUTreasurechest on Facebook and on Twitter (@PKUblog). I’m also thinking about joining tumblr, linkedin and pinterest, but I’m not sure, whether any of you use those rather than facebook or twitter (or something else maybe?).

So thanks a lot for your comment, if you use something not listed in the poll I would really appreciate your comment, so I can decide whether it makes sense to create another account or not 😉

Have a great day.


Katie xxx