2012 in review – thank you for your growing support

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 4,300 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 7 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Italian Christmas Recipe from Elena

Hey everyone,

I saw, that Elena posted a delicious low protein recipe for Christmas on facebook. Here’s a picture of the two Santas: Elena and her daughter who has PKU. Thank you Elena, for giving us this recipe, it’s a modification of a traditional Italian recipe.


Low protein Pandolce genovese


85 g margarine

100 gΒ  sugar

300 g low protein flour

1 pinch salt

10 g pine nuts


25 g diced Shoxxi chocolate (the original version has the orange peel and candied Citron)

100 g rice milk

6 drops of Orange aroma

vanillin sachet

1 sachet of baking powder

Work margarine with sugar, then add flavorings (vanilla, orange and salt).
Join the flour and then a little bit of rice milk.
Add raisins, citron and orange (or chocolate).
Separately, mix the flour and yeast.
Add to the mix flour, baking powder and milk.
Bake in the oven at 180 for about 30 minutes.


Katie xxx

Advent Calendar


I hope you’re all having a great Christmas time. Unfortunately, I couldn’t enjoy so much, since I had tons of work. But now, since yesterday, I’m on vacation for two weeks now. Time to really enjoy life, try out new recipes, prepare new postings for you, πŸ™‚ and simply relax. 20121201_093101

Ok, the time where you open Advent Calendars is almost over now, but I wanted you to show my calendars πŸ™‚ I have three to be precise. One is from my mother, with one lottery scratch ticket for every day, one is from my colleague, a very special calendar with tea bags!! Have you ever heard of this? One tea bag with nice Christmas quotes and delicious tea, today I had Vanilla-Rooibos tea. I found it so thoughtful of her, she knew I’m stricter with diet now and she told me, she wanted to have a good Calendar too (normally, the ones that are most common over here are Chocolate calendars..)


The third calendar, I bought for myself πŸ˜‰ It’s a traditional chocolate calendar, BUT with low protein rice milk chocolate. I decided to try it out, thought it was already available last year. The German company MetaX is selling this calendar. The chocolate is delicious, a star-shaped chocolate behind every door. Yummy. And one piece contains 7 mg of Phe.


Do you have an Advent Calendar too?

Katie xxx

Christmas present? :)

Hey my dear readers,

it’s time to say thank you for all your support, comments, inspiration and your lovely e-mails. You’re actually motivating me in the same way, you’re telling me that I motivate you and help you with your daily diet. It’s great to hear this!


I might be a bit cheeky asking this, but I would LOVE to reach 100 followers in 2013.

Would you make me a wonderful Christmas present and promote this PKU blog, if you like it? If it inspires you?

Let’s reach 100 followers together next year!Β 

All the best,

Katie xxx

Low protein Christmas Santa

Hey πŸ™‚

I just took part in a survey which wanted to know how a tested formula was. I got this as a thank you:

It’s a low protein Santa, made from rice milk. Oh yes- I’m really looking forward to it πŸ™‚ YUMMY πŸ™‚


With only 60 mg Phe for the whole Santa, it’s great. I hope it tastes as good as it looks πŸ™‚

Katie xxx







Even happier… My blood level…

I just have to share my latest blood level with you. It’s……Β 2,7 mg / dl. So happy about this. It’s not been as hard as I thought it would be.

Hope, that you are as motivated as I am πŸ™‚ If not, don’t hesitate to send me an email to k_babygirl2204(at)web.de or leave a blog comment, I will cheer you up and motivate you.


Lots of love,

Katie xxx

Delicious recipe with pumpkin

Hey πŸ™‚

here is another recipe. It was very delicious so I wanted to share it with you. It’s very easy to prepare as well, so the ideal menu for preparation after a hard day at work. It is very low in protein, too (120mg Phe)


This is how you prepare it:

cook 100g carrots and 200g pumpkin in a vegetable soup, until there soft. Add some fresh koriander to it and stain the vegetables. Then prepare the “Cream of wheat” with special low protein “cream of wheat” and low protein breadcrumbs.

slice a little bit of onion and fry it in a pan with hot oil. Then add 30 g of low protein “Cream of wheat” flour and 200 ml of vegetable soup. Stir well, then add 30 g of breadcrumbs (it needs to be almost like flour, very smooth) and add some spices if you like (but I didn’t add anything else).

Tadaaaa… it’s ready. Very delicious. You could also form little burgers out of the dough and fry them from both sides. That’s a little variant to this recipe.

Enjoy the meal!

Katie xxx

PKU Awareness Day 03rd December

Hey everyone,

I found this great blog entry on PKU Parlor, another great PKU-Blog. Have a look at it:


and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on this topic.

Katie xxx

PS: Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reblog it via wordpress 😦